



FACC-ATL Webinar: Coronavirus and Potential Insurance Claims

How have various governments reacted to insurance coverage issues for COVID-19? Where might a company expect insurance coverage to apply to COVID-19? What sort of coverage is available for similar future pandemics? Our discussion led by our experts will include commentary on the following lines...

FACC FL Webinar: Impact du COVID-19 sur le marché immobilier à Miami

Introduction et vision du marché immobilier dans le monde. Intervention de Thibault de Saint Vincent, Président de la Maison BARNES.   État actuel du marché à Miami.  Intervention de Adam Redolfi, Directeur Associé Nouveaux Développements, Enzo Rosani, Consultant en Immobilier de Prestige. État actuel du COVID-19...

FACC-MN Webinar: Creating a Culture of Innovation

Please join us for an engaging webinar with guided conversations and group activities led by FACC member Thierry Boudet, Innovation Catalyst & Technology Change Leader. Thierry will share insight gained from personal research and experience, and will encourage a group reflection on how to create...

FACC-NY Webinar: The Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Brands

As the current crisis has turned normal operations upside down, the prospect of maintaining a sustainable and responsible business model has become uncertain. Amy Hall, VP & Director of Social Consciousness at EILEEN FISHER, INC., provides an in-depth look into what this current crisis has meant for sustainable...

FACC Chicago/SF Webinar: Wine Unites Us!

The FACC-Chicago and FACCSF are excited to co-organize a unique discussion and LIVE Wine tasting with Jean-Charles Boisset, Proprietor and Vintner of Boisset Collection, awarded as the Wine Country Company of the Year 2019 during the French-American Business Award in San Francisco.   How to participate? I AM A FACC...

FACC-WDC Webinar: The Trump Immigration Executive Order Suspending Immigration

With the Executive Order Suspending Immigration, everyone has questions about the future of family, work, business, and investment visas. We will attempt to answer your questions them and present the “Big Picture” about the Suspension for you and your family. This Suspension is just the beginning...

FACC-NY Webinar: Breaking into New Markets to Fight Economic Slowdown

DISCUSSION Never waste a crisis! Too many companies are putting their expansion plans on hold right now and praying for better times to come soon. Now is actually the best time to rethink your growth strategy, gear up and prepare your response to the changing...

FACC-ATL Webinar: Addressing new cybersecurity risks to your business

Now more than ever, it is essential to protect your business from internal and external security threats. Even innocent actions can introduce cyber threats that destroy years of your business’ innovation. With our webinar, you'll gain solutions that can help thwart an insider and outsider...

FACC-FL Webinar: Crossing the crisis with collective intelligence

These times of confinement on a global scale are unprecedented and generate a great deal of stress and anxiety. However, they also constitute a space we may benefit from if we take the time to think. Crossing the crisis with collective intelligence: The ongoing situation...

FACC WDC Webinar: CARES Act and PPP – Fresh Updates

Get fresh updates about CARES Act & PPP from Sheppard Mullin's Partner followed by a Q&A. Please join Valérie Demont, Partner at Sheppard Mullin, for a fireside chat about CARES Act & PPP.  Join us on Wednesday, April 29th at 12 noon Eastern time. During this webinar, you will...

FACC-NY Webinar: Managing Rent Relief Through COVID-19

DISCUSSION Deborah van der Heyden and Paul Ferraro of JLL are joined by Jason Aster of KBA Lease Services to provide deep insight into managing rent relief strategies as the uncertainty around the COVID-19 crisis continues while also touching on expense auditing. Looking towards the future, the...

FACC Chicago Webinar: Body Language for Video & Free Tech

Today, communication is an art and science - plus, most of the first interaction with clients and future prospects is via virtual media such as phone or email. Susan Ibitz, Human Behavior Hacker at Human Behavior Lab, will discuss how body language and micro-expressions in video can...

FACC-NY Webinar: Discover the Original Apple Brandy from France : Calvados

DISCUSSION Calvados is the original and world-famous apple-based brandy from the Normandy region of France. Join our webinar to discover more about this delightful spirit through the incredible story of Domaine Coquerel, created in 1937 and today known as the 1st independent producer of the...

FACC-ATL Webinar: Managing FX Amidst a Pandemic

The market is swinging wildly—how will you manage risk when it comes to FX? How will this play out for your organization moving forward?  How can you safeguard your business for volatile exchange rate movements? Let our experts from Tempus help your business navigate the...