



FACC NE: Virtual Networking Event

FREE for FACC Members / $10 for non-Members  Grab your favorite hot beverage, find a comfy spot in your house or office, and join our FACCNE’s Virtual Networking Cafe every 2nd Thursday of the month. This is a pure networking event, open to all, where participants will...

FACC Chicago Meet the Members Series: Virtual Luncheon

All luncheons are in English. This Luncheon is reserved for FACC Members Only and is FREE. Looking for a chance to connect with other FACC network members during your lunch break?  Join us for our "Meet the Members" virtual Luncheon. This Luncheon is for current...

FACC-NY: Thrive in a Borderless World

Join us as we embark on a Cultural Intelligence (CQ) workshop towards greater happiness and success with speaker, Peter Kovacs. Through shared experiences and exercises, Peter will lend us his tips to improve CQ and teach us how to apply them in any personal or professional situation....