



FACC Chicago: COVID-19 Interactive Webinar

COVID-19 Interactive Webinar on July 1st - PPP Forgiveness, Illinois Reopening Challenges and Efficient Dealing with Customs  FREE FOR FACC MEMBERS.  $10 for non-Members 9:00 - 10:00 am CDT on Wednesday, July 1st All webinars are in English. International Management Solutions, Thorelli & Associates, International Attest Solutions,...

FACC Houston Webinar: President’s New Order

Visa: Impact and solutions for companies and individuals About this Event On June 22, 2020, the Trump administration issued a new presidential proclamation suspending the entry of individuals to the United States on select nonimmigrant visa holders ( H-1B, H-2B, J-1, and L-1), as well...

FACC-ATL Webinar: Immigration aux Etats-Unis: nouveau décret et derniers rebondissements

David Lunel, avocat au sein du cabinet The Fogle Law Firm répond à vos questions relatives aux derniers développements en matière d'immigration aux US Le nouveau décret présidentiel concernant la suspension de certains visas inquiète légitimement la communauté francophone installée aux Etats-Unis. La dernière proclamation...