




FACC-NY: COVID-19 in Beijing: Talking Urban Mobility with DiDi

As the world reels from the impacts of COVID-19, ride-sharing companies must work to ensure customer and employee safety. In this webinar, we will hear from Alicia Veneziani, a FACC Foundation Scholarship winner and Strategy Manager at DiDi, on how the Chinese ride-sharing company has...

FACC DC: Is the Remedy Worse Than the Cure?

How this crisis will definitely consolidate the power of the US and China? What will be the impact on jobs, growth and more importantly, democracy?WEBINAR Agenda: Lessons to be taken from the current crisis How will we survive to the recession? Is the remedy worse...

FACC-ATL: Morgan Stanley Presents: Investments Strategies Series l Alkeon

The series will introduce certain hedge fund strategies and how they can potentially enhance your portfolios with the help of a professional. Covid-19 is a perfect setting to rethink how we invest. This Financial Educational Series presented by Morgan Stanley will introduce certain hedge fund strategies...