After a rich and storied career occupying positions at the highest echelons of French foreign affairs, M. Araud has memorialized his interactions with world leaders and institutions in his book Passeport Diplomatique. As French Ambassador to the United States and subsequently Permanent Representative to the United Nations, his perspective and leadership has weathered divergent views in administrations on both sides of the Atlantic. In the midst, M. Araud advanced an agenda of collaboration, mutual understanding and progress.
Drawing upon his experience, M. Araud will speak to the tempestuous state of international and binational relations and share his views for our new reality and a post COVID-19 global economy.
M. Araud will be joined by Stephen Dreyfuss, Executive Vice President of the FACC-NY, former President of the Paris-based Union Internationale des Avocats and Partner at Hellring, Lindeman, Goldstein & Siegal LLP.
Passeport Diplomatique is available for purchase from Amazon’s bookstore in French. Click here to purchase.